Sunday, September 8, 2013

Simple skirt, easy DIY

I have been looking religiously at the fabric stores for decent, casual, simple fabrics to make skirts with. I have been looking for neutrals so that they go with anything, and I finally found a discounted fabric in a really pretty gray/purple with the COOLEST texture. Its a pretty flow-y fabric but not too light, so it will work in the Winter months. Anyways, I had to get it, thus inspiring this super easy waistband skirt.

Things you will need:
Fabric (I purchased 2 yards knowing I would have LOTS of extra for other things, but depending on the length you choose, you will not need this much. I would say get at least a yard for a shorter skirt, like shown.)
Elastic - Preferably a thicker band, but any will do. I chose a medium width.
Pen - for marking
Sewing Machine

This skirt is SO easy. You can't make one any simpler than this, I am telling you. You are going to start by taking your elastic and measuring how much you will need for your waist. I chose to do a high wasted skirt, but because its elastic, it can be used as a low rider too. You will need about double the fabric as the elastic, depending on how scrunchy you want your skirt. 

The next step is sewing a 'pocket' in the fabric for your elastic waist band. You do this by folding over the top of your fabric about a half inch larger than the width of your elastic. 

Sew this 'pocket' starting at one end of your fabric, and ending at the other end. DO NOT sew the ends together, or you wont be able to slide your elastic into the 'pocket'. When you are finished sewing, slide your elastic all the way through.

Next you are going to sew your elastic ends together, creating a circle. Then you will sew the seems of your dress. Starting at the elastic and ending at the bottom of your skirt.

When you've finished your side seem, you can choose to sew the bottom seem of your skirt, or keep it raw like I chose to do. If you choose to keep it raw, trim up any extra fabric and your done. If you choose to seem the bottom, you don't need to trim the fabric until your done sewing the seem. Then you're finished with your skirt!

From here you can keep the skirt as is, or you can add personal details like a lace trim, belt loops or pockets. Completely up to you what you choose to do from here!

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