Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eucalyptus shower therapy

While reading about how to relieve symptoms of the common cold naturally, I came across an interesting article about sinuses and congestion relief that involved eucalyptus in an easy way. As I researched a little more I discovered that the benifits of eucalyptus are almost infinite. Now, I know coming from someone who loves natural and homeopathic therapys, this isn't saying much, but I promise this is something worth trying.

All you need is eucalyptus and a rubber band or twine. Just tie a few sprigs every couple of weeks on your shower head or rod and let the oils do their magic. 

Some benefits of using eucalyptus are that it helps with respitory health, its a natural anti inflammatory, anti septic and anti viral. It helps relieve sinuses and congestion while also creating mood clarity and stress relief. 

WHO wouldn't want to try this out??

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