Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fitted Dress Resize

(left: before, right: after)

Ever tried on a dress knowing its too big and just wishing it would fit correctly when you got home, or that somehow you could make it work, or that someday you'd be able to fit in it? I have. In fact, I was thrift shopping yesterday and found a beautiful mint dress, that was 4 sizes too big. But without fear, I purchased the dress, knowing that I have an easy way to refit a dress to my size. In this easy DIY you'll not only learn how to re-size your dress easily, but also refit a shoulder with a simple detail stitch.

Things you will need:
Dress (way too big, or just a little too big)
Sewing Machine

First things first, lets try the dress on. I like to eyeball what I will be taking off of my clothing, but feel free to take your measurements if you're uncomfortable with doing this. After you have sized up how much you will be taking off of each side (which should be the same amount) you can take your dress off.

Lay it inside out and visualize the inches you need to take off  its current side seems. (for me, it was about 2 inches off each side.)

When you begin your sewing you're going to want to start your stitch at the bottom of the armpit, ending at the bottom skirt seem.

If your dress has an elastic waist band, fear not, they are super easy to overcome. They should be sewn over like a zipper would. Just back stitch a few times over the elastic band and you are good to continue on your side seem.

You can continue to seem evenly all the way down the side of the dress, or slowly fade into the original seem like I chose to do. My preference for this dress was to have the skirt more flow-y, therefore I chose to fade into the original seem at the bottom of the skirt. Feel free to keep an even stitch all the way down for a more fitted skirt, depending on your dress shape.

When your seem is finished off, proceed to cut the thread ends and the extra fabric off the dress.

Try on your dress, and decide whether you need take any more fabric in and/or if you need to adjust your dress sleeves. If you do need to adjust the shoulder, follow this SUPER easy instruction. All you need to do, with your dress inside out, is sew from the collar seem to the sleeve seem your desired inches to take off.

I chose to take off a little less than an inch.

Cut the thread ends and the extra fabric starting at the collar, following your stitch and ending at the top of the sleeve stitch.

This is what your sleeve should look like after you are finished:

Now your dress is fitted :)

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