Monday, September 23, 2013

Simple ice water solution

Quick post today. I just learned about a super easy tip when you want ice water on the go. Everyone has a water bottle, right? Well, that's all you need! 

You simple fill your water bottle 1/4 to 1/2 of the way full with water and put it in the freezer for a couple hours, ON ITS SIDE. That way, in a couple hours or in the morning you don't need to wait for your water to defrost to have a sip. The ice has ony frozen half of your bottle, leaving you with the simple task of filling up your bottle the rest of the way with water.... Or juice, or whatever! POW! You are ready to go. No need to wait for ice to melt. 

This is perfect for early morning work days, or school days. It's a perfect solution for sport athletes, too.

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